起来,让我们直起腰版,挺起胸膛,昂起头来! Stand up! Let us straighten up our back, stand tall in good spiritand raise our head high!
衰弱的心脏可以重新起搏;不灵便的肢体一样可以舞动春风;失聪的耳膜也能触听到时代的主旋律;失明的双目仍可感知曙光的黎明! Aa long as we hold up to our beliefs, Even the weakened heart canstart beating strongly again;the unwieldy limbs can dance gracefully once moreas spring breeze; the deaf eardrums will also be able to hear the main themesof our times;and the blind eyes will still be able to perceive the firstglimmer of the dawn! 只要我们肯努力: 沉舟也会浮出水面,荡起我们手中的双桨,推开波浪向前;搁浅的小船,也能追上侧傍急驶的千帆!
As long as we are willing to work hard, Even the sunken boat can emerge to the surface of the water and push forward all the waves With its oars; And the strand boat can alsocatch up with all the speeding boats that have sailed past Its side! 只要我们肯登攀: 鲤鱼跃过龙门顶, 井蛙生翅飞上天! As long as we are willing to meet up all the tough challenges, Even the carp can leap its way our of the waterfall and becomes a dragon; And the well frog can also fly up to the sky with its newly grownwings! 只要我们肯担当: 灯草可以作桥梁, 愚公托举一座金山! As long as we are willing to shoulder up our responsibilities, Even a bulrush can function as a bridge, And on ordinary man lift up a mountain-a gold mountain! 我愿革去身上的赘瘤,抖掉衣上的尘埃,洗净自己的双手、放下心中的包袱,重新回到人之初。化作初生牛犊般的上山虎——去学习,去服务。 I am wiling to rid my body of all the superfluous things ,shake offthe dust on my clothes,wash my hands thoroughly ,relieve myself of all theburden at heart ,and once again get backto the natural state of my birth . Indeed, I would like to learn and to serveas a diligent calf and a vigorous tiger. 我不是田里耕耘的农民,我是用画笔在纸田里耕作的画民。 I am not a farmer ploughing in the fields; I am a painter drawingpictures with a brush in the fields of paper. 我没有上网,但愿用自己编织的小网撒向生活的海洋,去网罗太阳折射的星光,用自己的汗水、泪水、血水化作七色彩虹,撒向浩瀚的太空。 I am not onnected to the Internet, but I would like to use my ownsmall net to snare the sun-refracted starlight from the ocean of life , andturn my sweat, tears and blood into a seven-coloured rainbow hanging highacross the expansive sky. 让我们共同用健壮的臂膀,挽起不同肤色、愿意同行的双双手。同步、起步、齐步、阔步迎着朝阳迈向更加美好的明天!明天!明天······· Let us work together,side by side with each and every willing pairof hands in different colours, marching forward in great strides towards aneven better and brighter tomorrow… (文/更志儿)